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6 Trust-Building Website Features Your Glass Business Needs

Written by Joseph Larson | Nov 22, 2021

When was the last time you updated your website? Does it still provide customers with a great experience? These questions are vital for boosting your company's revenue.

81% of shoppers conduct research before making a purchase. Part of that research entails visiting your glass business' website. Review your website and make sure it has these trust-building website features.

1. Smooth Web Design

Is the text easy to read? Can customers easily navigate through your website to find what they want? Would you proudly show off the website to your friends?

If you answer no to any of these questions, your website design needs an overhaul. If your website is not visually pleasing, invest in a modern website theme that captures your brand's style. 

Web design is subject to people's opinions. Conversion rates provide a glimpse into your website's performance. If your glass business website has low engagement on your calls-to-action, make them more visible.

Modify variables such as a button's color and location of the call to action. You can use a heat map to see where people click on your website and reposition the calls to action.

2. Quality Content

Quality content is among the essential website features that will grow your business. People frequently use Google to conduct their research. Some of these people will come across your content.

Writing quality content with the right keywords will provide more visibility.

Linking to valuable resources in each piece will build further trust. If you assist consumers with their research, they will come back to your website for additional information. Keeping people on your website is vital for converting visitors into customers. 

Many businesses set up blogs, but videos, podcast episodes, and images also work well. Repurposing existing content into multiple formats will help you reach a broader audience.

Quality content will attract new visitors and keep your existing customers engaged. You can use content to advance a prospect through their customer journey.

Some blog posts will address questions from beginners. Other blog posts can explore advanced elements of your craft.

Incorporating calls-to-action at the end of blog posts will convert prospects into customers.

3. Testimonials

Prospects will only buy your products if they know, like, and trust your brand. Testimonials are one of the essential website features for building trust.

Testimonials generate social proof, which will make a prospect more confident in your company.

Testimonials demonstrate your product or service works for others. Prospects will put themselves in the reviewer's shoes and envision your offer solving their problem. 

If a customer enjoys their experience, encourage them to leave a review. Each review builds transparency and credibility. 

You can also invite customers to share their experiences in a blog post or interview. These articles will provide a detailed analysis of a successful customer experience. You can also generate search engine traffic from these articles, attracting new customers.

Testimonials also help with discoverability. Reviews will improve your search engine ranking. The boosted ranking will give your quality content extra momentum on search engines.

This content will attract new visitors and entice current prospects to become customers.

4. Certificates

Showcase any certifications your company has within the industry. Companies receive certificates for meeting quality standards. 

Customers will research every detail they can find, including company certifications. If a competitor lacks a certificate that your company possesses, your business will gain an edge.

Mention the certificate's qualifications to demonstrate your company's strengths. Feature them in a prominent location such as your blog's sidebar to draw attention to your company's achievements.

5. Contact Page

A contact page allows prospects and customers to reach out if they have questions. A customer may ask about their order's delivery date, clarify details, or express concerns. 

Most websites contain contact forms due to their nature as essential website features. However, issues will arise if your contact form is not optimized for mobile devices or experiences temporary downtime.

You can mitigate these risks by including an email address, phone number, and address on the contact page. Some people only reach out via email, while others prefer talking with a person on the phone.

If you have customer support on social media, include your company's handles on the contact page. Providing your visitors with multiple contact points will make them feel empowered and build loyalty in the process.

6. A Fast Load Time

Today's consumer expects fast load times for every website they visit. A single Google search presents us with millions of choices. Considering the vast sea of options, consumers will not wait for a slow website.

If your website takes more than two seconds to load, 53% of your potential visitors will leave. Impatient visitors will not see any of your other website features in play.

Don't waste time on the other website features if you won't reduce your site's load time. Make sure your website loads in under three seconds. You can conduct a website speed test on Pingdom.

Business owners can speed up their websites by utilizing content delivery networks, optimizing images, and enabling browser caching.

Software to Grow Your Business

A great website gives you a competitive edge. However, if you can't gain traction, your essential website features won't matter. Our software can help grow your business.

BidClips allows businesses to enhance the customer experience. Features such as their interactive quote builder, and automated follow-ups will boost revenue. The software helps local businesses get new leads and communicate with existing contacts. 

Schedule a free demo to see how we can help your business grow.