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5 Fun Statistics From the Glass Industry in 2022

Written by Joseph Larson | Dec 12, 2022

Imagine the opacity of a world without glass. From windows to smartphones to the glasses you use to see, our lives would be completely unclear without glass. It's no wonder the glass industry plays such a huge part in our everyday lives.

Glass has an abundance of uses. From proving protection from the elements to giving you a lighter, more functional smartphone, glass is one resource that will always be important.

Find out the most important statistics about the glass industry below.

1. The Global Market Value of Glass is Over $115 Billion

The glass industry is worth around $115.8 billion. There are many reasons why the glass market is so valuable.

Firstly, because glass is so widely used in a variety of products and industries, it is always in high demand. Everything from areas of construction to the manufacturers of your watch needs glass to produce high-quality products.

Another reason glass is worth so much is that it is unlikely to ever become redundant. As technological advancements continue to move the world forward, glass is right there alongside them.

Glass has been a profitable industry since its conception. Auto glass and residential glass are consistently needed throughout the world, meaning the uses for glass are unlikely to ever run out.

2. China Exports the Most Glass in the World

China accounts for 24.8% of the world's glass exports. Considering the size of China and how powerful the country's status as an exporter is, it is little wonder that China produces so much glass.

Glass is an excellent product for countries to export. It is regularly in demand across various industries, and so it serves as an excellent way for exporters to make money.

It is not necessarily that the quality of glass produced in China is of finer quality than anywhere else in the world. Rather, China produces the kind of glass that the world needs at any particular moment. For example, China made great strides in producing and exporting safety glass over the past two years when it was most needed due to the pandemic.

Of course, that's not to say other countries don't also produce huge amounts of glass each year. Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland also manufacture and export glass in huge quantities every year.

3. North America, Europe, and China Have the Highest Global Demand for Glass

Whilst all three of these regions export huge amounts of glass every year, they also have a significant demand for glass. China is a developing nation, and Europe and North America are part of the developed world. This means the glass is necessary for these areas for a variety of purposes.

Europe has a high demand for glass in areas of construction and technology, and due to all the bottled products, it creates on an annual basis. The wines, perfumes, and preserved food products produced in Europe all require glass bottles.

North America requires glass for similar reasons to Europe. The development of new buildings in North America requires a huge amount of glass. After all, how else would you enjoy those sky-rise views in New York without the help of glass?

China has a long relationship with glass. Glass was often used for art projects throughout Chinese history, and it is still often used in traditional art forms today. Of course, China also uses glass for a multitude of modern purposes, including auto, residential, and technological.

As developed nations like North America and Europe continue to have high glass usage, developing countries are following in their footsteps. This means the value of glass truly cannot be overstated.

4. There's Plenty of Recycled Glass, as it Makes Up Over 20% of All Glass Production

In today's climate crisis, one of the most valuable components of glass is that it's 100% recyclable. This is why glass has its special bin where it must go.

21% of all glass produced worldwide is recycled glass. It is incredibly important for the environment that products that can be recycled are. This is what makes glass such a vital commodity in today's world.

Sweden recycles 95% of its glass, making it the leader in glass recycling. Recycled glass has a myriad of uses. It can be reformed and reshaped into bottles, jars, and even glass wool that is used to insulate buildings and homes.

5. Silica Sand is Widely Used to Make Glass, and It Makes Up 73% of the Materials Used in Glass Production

Silica sand is a raw material that is very important to glass production. The glass industry uses silica sand, amongst other ingredients, to create the glass that is exported and sold around the world.

The process of glass production using silica is very interesting. It must be heated to 3090°F. It melts into a clear liquid and is then cooled down without allowing it to turn back into sand again.

When the silica has melted down, it is known as molten glass. When it is in this state, it is stirred thoroughly to remove any bubbles, as these can wreak havoc on the structure of the final product. During this stirring stage, other chemicals are added.

After the molten glass undergoes stirring, it is set in a mold for it to take shape. There are different kinds of molds and molding processes used depending on the type of glass that is being created.

Annealing is the final stage of glass production. The molded glass goes in an oven set to very high temperatures. This eliminates stress points from the glass, so it is safe for purpose.

The Glass Industry is More Exciting Than You Might Think!

Glass is an important and necessary resource. The glass industry is huge and has been a dominating force in the world for centuries. Glass protects, insulates, and provides an important building block for today's modern technology.

The glass industry statistics above barely scratch the surface of the abundance of facts and figures available. Glass will always be a significant part of building and future-proofing the world.

For all your glass and glass software services, check out this page.